Displaying 211 - 220 of 376.
The author records the Western interest of Christmas celebrations.
The Egyptian press has widely covered Christmas celebrations held by the Coptic Orthodox Church and presided over by Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark.
The writer talks about how the West has transformed the celebration of Christmas into a celebration of Santa Clause, and it is starting to become a phenomenon in the East.
Bishop Najīb talks about peace on Christmas Eve. It a message for all fellow-citizens of Egypt, whether Muslims or Christians, to live in peace and cooperate to build bridges for the good of this nation.
The writer tries to presents a Biblical chronology of the birth of Jesus Christ to clarify the difference between the Western and the Eastern Church calendar.
The author writes about the first laymen’s meeting and replies to some of Bishop Mūsá’s rejections against it, correcting some misunderstandings.
The number of articles published about Christmas reflects the attention the Egyptian press paid to celebrations of it. The article gives a list of the articles published in five newspapers.
The news about the miraculous apparition of the Holy Virgin Mary over the Church of Saint Mark in the southern province of Assiut unleashed controversy about the credibility of such a spiritual phenomena. While many people confirmed that they had seen her, some media reports have shown...
In the past some Copts have been complaining that the Egyptian press has not given (enough) attention to Christian religious feasts. This is why we have listed the articles related to Easter.
Al- Maydān publishes the Supreme Council of Antiquities’ resolution no. 2129, dated July 18, 2006, which calls for immediate restoration of the Hanging Church in Old Cairo.


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