Displaying 221 - 230 of 376.
This article explains that the Coptic New Year Day [‘īd al-Nayrūz] is a feast that all Egyptians should celebrate.
The author traces the history of the town of Ansīna, in the governate of Minia, a former centre of Christian persecution.
‘Alā’ al-Jamal and Hānī Mūsá writes about reported sightings of the Virgin Mary at the church of Musturud one week ago.
The author writes about the Virgin Mary feast which celebrates both the Virgin’s fasting and the memory of the Holy Family’s journey in the Upper Egyptian area of Assiut. A visit to an old cave that housed the Virgin and young Jesus is an essential part of the festivities.
In light of the Holy Virgin’s fast, which begins on the first day of the Coptic month of Misra (7 August) and ends with the Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin on 16 Misra, the author outlines the history of the sacred cave in Assiut which is believed to have sheltered the Holy Family for...
Bāsimah William writes about the celebrations of the feast of the Virgin Mary at Dayr al-Azrā’ in Jabal Assiut, which does not attract only Christians, but also Muslims and people from all over the world.
The author reports on the celebrations in the Minia governorate of the anniversary of the passing of the virgin Mary and her son through Jabal al-Tayr area in Samāllūt during the holy journey.
Their Graces Bishops Aghathoun and Yousuf from the Monastery of Anbā Boula Awwal al-Sawwāh [The Monastery of St. Paul the First Hermit] are to be ordained as bishops in Brazil and Bolivia. The ordination, the author says, highlights the significant role Pope Shenouda III plays in serving...
In Samālout, al-Minya governorate, the Holy Family reached Jabal al-Tayr on their blessed journey. On the first of June every year, many Egyptians celebrate the birth of the Virgin Mary.
The article reports that nearly two million Christians and Muslims are celebrating the Virgin Mary festival, which is held annually on Jabal al-Tayr Mountain in al-Minyā governorate, Upper Egypt, marking the anniversary of the Holy Family’s journey in Egypt and their visit to this part of the...


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