Displaying 261 - 270 of 376.
Almost until the end of the fourth century A.D., both Christmas and Epiphany were celebrated together in one day. However, after knowing the exact dates of the birth and baptism of Jesus Christ, each of the two occasions came to be celebrated separately. Christians used to baptize their children...
Many of the sayings and stances of Jesus Christ show that He is not against sex. However, the early fathers of Christianity introduced the theory of sexual fasting and considered it the peak of faith. This anti-sex attitude led to an anti-women attitude and to many arguments concerning whether a...
Father Shenouda Marqus welcomes President Mubārak’s decision to annul the Hamāyounī Decree, which required a presidential permission for the simple repairs to church buildings.
The author reports that Copts are celebrating Holy Epiphany, the baptism of Jesus.
Reviewer: ‘Amr al-Misrī One person has been killed and around 17 injured in Muslim-Christian clashes in the village of al-‘Udaysāt, Luxor, after Muslims allegedly attacked a church, which had been built without a license. A local priest accused the security forces of being slow to intervene.
Listing of articles published on the occasion of Eastern Christmas.
Youssef Sidhom wishes Egyptians a happy feast, and calls for 2006 to be a year of national coalition, with better Muslim-Christian relations, and full citizenship rights for all Egyptians.
The author argues that there is a need for a return to the Christian values of amity, peace and acceptance of others.
The author examines the different calendars used by Christians and explains the different days for the celebration of Christmas.
Fasting is a religious obligation in all heavenly religions, meant to conquer anger and develop self-control in man. Following the period of fasting comes the feast to celebrate its completion. The author examines how Egyptian Christians celebrate Christmas.


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