Displaying 281 - 290 of 376.
When God first created man he meant him to be happy so he put him in paradise and gave him feasts like Christmas and Epiphany to rest and have fun. Fortunately this year Epiphany and Greater Bairam synchronized.
President Husnī Mubārak phoned Pope Shenouda III to congratulate him on the Coptic Christmas and expressed heartfelt appreciation for the prelate and the Copts of Egypt. The President reiterated that Egypt is the country of all Egyptians, Muslims and Copts, and that Christians in Egypt are no...
It is remarkable that God distinguished Egypt by saying “My people” and not “People.” Egypt has ever been the land of peace and security to whoever seeks refuge on its land and can’t be shaken crises or ordeals.
Christmas comes this year as we lick the wounds of 2004, and look forward to a new year that would bring in peace, calm, and stability.
Pope Shenouda III, the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church, leads the Christmas Eve mass, to be attended by a host of officials and clergymen. On Friday, the Pope is scheduled to receive well-wishing officials and will then, as he usually does, head for the Anbā Bīshouy Monastery.
On the occasion of the Coptic celebration of Christmas tomorrow, Coptic churches perform masses today evening to celebrate the event. Archpriest Bulos Sam’an Abdel Sayyed of the Church of Saint Mary and Bishop Abra’am in Giza recounts the story of the Annunciation and some meditations on this event...
Despite the fact that feasts of Copts in Egypt are not associated with new moon as the feasts of Muslims, there was some confusion this year about Coptic Christmas which is celebrated on the 7th of January. Sources from the office of Pope Shenouda asserted that Christmas eve is January 6 while...
Jesus Christ established by His birth the civilization of love, tolerance and human rights. On the day of the birth of Jesus Christ, angels praised God saying, "Glory be to God in the highest. On earth peace and good will toward men." From this we can understand that Jesus Christ established His...
On the occasion of the Coptic New Year’s Day, the Christian Church of Egypt gave a presentation in the auditorium of UNESCO, Paris, under the title of Le Nil Eternel (The Eternal Nile).
Al-Akhbar and Al-Ahram paid special attention to Coptic New Year’s Day. The articles published in both papers touched upon how the Coptic calendar began, how it relates to the Pharaonic calendar and the story of Emperor Diocletian, during whose rule many Christians were put to death.


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