Displaying 311 - 320 of 376.
Jesus came to show us the miracle of purity and love. He never sinned. His birth was such a mark in history that the time before His birth is marked "BC" and the time after His birth is marked "AD."
These days, we celebrate both Christmas and Jesus’ visit to Egypt. Jesus wants his teachings to reach everywhere. He wants us to learn peace and love.
God loves us. So we have to love the others too. From Jesus’ life, we learn how to love and how to be modest. In this way we are near God.
Jesus Christ was born to bring peace and love to all the humanity. He came to ban discriminations and to bless Egypt.
Jesus Christ is the center of the Holy Bible. So, we welcome the millennium and Jesus’ birth (Christmas).
Jesus was born to teach us brotherhood and equality between everyone. He teaches us love, peace and virtue.
Jesus came to reconcile earth with heaven and to teach us obedience and modesty, as the first sin was arrogance.
When Adam was expelled from the Paradise, the whole universe was troubled. But Jesus came to reconcile heaven and earth.
Jesus came to reconcile heaven and earth. The manger was the place where this reconciliation treaty was written.
For three years now, the midnight mass has been broadcasting of on TV. All Christians, especially in small villages, who are able for the first time to see their pope praying the mass on TV, appreciate such a thing.


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