Displaying 21 - 30 of 30.
Christians in Egypt celebrated Christmas yesterday. In Al-Koshh, churches held masses for that occasion. The signs of celebrating a feast appeared on children. Citizens exchanged visits to greet each other for Christmas and Eid Al-Fitr.
Police forces succeeded in arresting four individuals, among whom is one shot in the foot, accused of participating in attacking Christians in Al-Koshh.
Bishop Wissa refused to speak to el-Shabab and thus the author went to see bishop Bakhoum of Sohag who says people in the village exaggerated stories and bishop Wissa was hot tempered and lacked wisdom in dealing with this issue. Bishop Bakhoum also says Bishop Wissa asked the two witnesses to...
The British Sunday Telegraph has published another article yesterday by Christina Lamb who claimed two weeks ago that Copts in Egypt are subjected in Sohag to crucifixions and rape by the police.
Bishop Bakhoum of Sohag, Maragha and Al-Munsha’a said that the statement of Pope Shenouda III confirmed that what happened in the Al-Koshh events was an ordinary incident, and it has nothing to do with Egypt’s national unity. What foreign papers published were exaggerations that defame Egypt, and...
Major General Ahmed Bakr Suhag’s governor condemned the arrogant letter of the British Lord David Alton. Bakr said no foreigner has the right to intervene in Egypt’s internal affairs, and he confirmed the independence of Egypt’s decisions and its sovereignty.
The article says live between Muslims and Christians was very peaceful. The Gazette gives a few examples. Muslims in the village and the bishops Bakhoum and Wissa are cited.
Egypt and Hosni Mubarak are the targets. Leave all these weak details, these highly elegant words and the human rights pretensions. It is just a game that those conspirators played against Egypt. What is this persecution that they are taking about? We smell the odor of the dollars that are paying...
Al-Wafd paper spent 15 hours in Al-Kushh village accompanied by Bishop Wissa. In an interview with the bishop, he answered a number of inquiries about the village’s events.
It was not a coincidence that the British Sunday Telegraph, owned by the Jewish media moguls, has launched a fierce campaign against Egypt and its national unity at this particular time.


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