Displaying 71 - 80 of 106.
The author presents the major contributions of Father Matta Al-Maskin to Coptic history and culture, as part of his argument that Coptic insights have had a remarkable impact on Arab and Egyptian culture.
Sir, Paul Schemm’s "Conflict among the Copts" (The Tablet, 15 February) is an honest, helpful contribution to Coptic studies. As he says, after being set free in January 1985, Patriarch Shenouda changed, turning his attack upon supposed Coptic enemies and cooperating with the Egyptian President,...
An article published in the Sunday School Magazine and written by Father Basilios of the Monastery of Makarios was said not to be in accordance with the Orthodox belief. Father Basilios will be investigated by the pope himself. The problem, according to churchleaders, is not Basilios or other monks...
An article on “Adam´s sin” by monk Basilios of the Monastery of Makarios caused a conflict in the Orthodox Church. Pope Shenouda himself will investigate monk Basilios. The article is not the only reason behind investigating Basilios. He wrote three books in which he touches upon the relation...
The transcript of an interview with Bishop Marcos of Shubrā al-Khaymā about the rules regarding the succession of a pope, church and politics, Father Matā al-Miskīn and other subjects.
Father Basilius comments on what Bishop Bishoi said concerning the teachings of Father Matta and his writings.
Interview about the achievements of H.H. Pope Shenouda, the first Coptic Orthodox reform Patriarch, changes during his reign and perspective on the future.
Summary of the Ph.D. thesis of Revd. Dr. Wolfram Reiss about the Sunday School movement in the Coptic Orthodox Church with a focus on the role of Pope Shenouda III and Father Matta el-Meskeen and the place of the church in a Muslim society. Reiss´ study provides an excellent insight into the...
This text reflects the discussion of a group organized by the RNSAW with two monks in the Monastery of Makarios based on the summary of the PhD Thesis of Dr. Wolfram Reiss (art. 23). The discussion covers the role of Father Matta al-Meskeen in the revival of the Coptic Orthodox Church, his...
Pope Shenouda began investigations with directing editor of the Sunday School Magazine, over an article written by monk Basilius of Monastery of Macarios. The pope will personally investigate Basilius, who believes popes should be free from public political activities and completely devoted to the...


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