Displaying 51 - 60 of 158.
Rajab al-Murshidī from Rose al- Yūsuf meets three members of the panel of evaluation of the Azhar Takfīr thesis who declare that there were many transgressions and errors in the thesis, and reveal that the panel will not accept the thesis unless its author makes certain revisions.
Islamic intellectual Jamāl al-Bannā states that his late brother Hasan al-Bannā, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood group, was in leadership similar to Communist leader Lenin. At the same time, he calls to remove the second article of the Egyptian constitution, which stipulates Islām...
The Egyptian press exposed religious authorities’ and intellectuals’ points of view regarding the violent confrontations between the Palestinians and the Israeli forces; in his interview with al-Musawwar, the Shaykh of the Azhar condemned the Israeli trespassing of al-Aqsá mosque....
In an interview, Bishop Munīr Hannā, the head of the Episcopal Church in Egypt, North Africa and the African Horn, stresses the peaceful co-existence between Christians and Muslims in Egypt, urging to share inter-religious dialogue to spread the spirit of understanding rather than fanaticism.
The review deals with the various reactions on al-Ghad weekly supplement entitled “the worst ten figures in Islamic history. Muslim scholars and intellectuals’ opinions are displayed, together with al-Ghad members and leaders’ opinions.
The last two years witnessed increasing Western attacks on Islam. Muslim reactions, however, in many cases Muslims violent reactions, enforced the negative image of Islam. Nevertheless, some Muslim intellectuals called for peaceful reactions through changing the violent image of Islam by showing...
More than 100 Muslim scholars and university professors signed a statement, in which they condemned the insults to the prophet’s companions, which were published by al- Ghad newspaper on October 4, 2006. The statement indicated that any attack against the prophet’s companions and wives...
Dr. al-Bayādī reacts to the calls for reform of the electoral process for the position of head of the Evangelical Community Council.
Disputes over elections in the Evangelical Community Council caused escalating tensions between the Assembly of Kanīsat al- Ni‘ma [Church of Grace] and the Evangelical Community Council in Egypt.
The author argues that there is a big campaign going on now in America and Israel against Egypt and the Arabs. This campaign is carried out under the name of protecting and saving the Christians of the Middle East from persecution, but is in fact aimed at stirring up sectarianism,...


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