Displaying 41 - 50 of 360.
The Grand Imām of al-Azhar, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, has declared that what is happening on the ground in Palestine is a hideous atrocity and a crime of unprecedented magnitude, stressing that these events cannot be described as war, since war is typically fought between two equal sides. He described...
Millions of citizens in Egypt and around the world have been following the events of violence, killing, and destruction that the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip have been exposed to since the events of October 7th, which could be seen as the Palestinian people attempting to defend their land...
The Coptic Orthodox Church, through its public and social services archbishopric, continues to prepare aid comprising medicine, medical supplies, food, garments, and blankets to send to the Gaza Strip.
The Maronite denomination emerged in Egypt in 1745, when the Aleppo monk, Mūsa Hilāna, consecrated al-Bārija, the first Maronite church in Damietta (Dumyāṭ), as well as in Egypt and Africa.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Talāʿ al-ʿAlī, located in the Jordanian capital of Amman, recently hosted a musical event in anticipation of Christmas to enhance hope for an end to the aggression in Gaza.
Pope Tawāḍrūs II said that participating in the elections is a duty for all citizens in the building the nation.  
A Palestinian thinker and theological writer, Priest Dr. Mitrī al-Rāhib, said that attacks on religious sites in occupied Palestine were not a new development, and that they did not occur in Gaza alone, but in fact happened in all the lands of historical Palestine.
Managers of travel agents in Egypt said that there was a pressing need to cancel this year’s Christian pilgrimage visit to the holy lands in Palestine due to the war in the Gaza Strip, which has resulted in the death of thousands of Palestinians due to attacks by the occupation forces.
Pope Tawāḍrūs expressed his pain over what is occurring in the Holy Land, as well as the victims, martyrs, and injured people that have resulted from the bloodshed going on there. He described the Holy Land as being the place that birthed the prophets, disciples, and apostles.
A member of the Holy Synod’s Coptic History Committee, Coptic researcher Ibrāhīm al-Bājūshī, said the popes of the Coptic Orthodox Church have always been defending Jerusalem.


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