Displaying 141 - 150 of 198.
The author answers the comments he received on his article in which he explained his view on Christian faith towards homosexuality.
The Holy Council of the Orthodox Church condemned legalizing homosexuality either through acknowledging the marriages of homosexuals or having them appointed as clergymen, as happened lately with the homosexual bishop of New Hampshire, US
Metropolitan Abba Seraphim’s critique of a paper by Bishop Munīr on the relations between Muslims and Christians in Egypt, presented at the annual interfaith dialogue meeting of the Anglican communion and the Permanent Committee of the Azhar al-Sharif for Dialogue with the Monotheistic Religions.
Bishop Marqus comments on Bishop Munīr’s text on “Christian minorities in the Islamic world; an Egyptian perspective.”
Bishop Munīr’s response to the criticism of Metropolitan Seraphim concerning his portrayal of Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt.
The article is the sixth in a series in which the author comments on the beliefs of Protestant Churches. It is the second part of his presentation of the story of Martin Luther.
The article is the fifth in a series by the author in which he criticizes the beliefs of the Protestant churches. In this article, he continues recounting the story of Martin Luther.
Father Marcos´ articles obviously are polemic. They are highly opinionated and inciting. Their obvious purpose was to show how bad Protestants are. Father Marcos is entitled to differ with Protestants on whatever subject he wants but not through taking information out of context and inciting the...
Father Marcos Aziz Khalil of the Hanging Church began a series of articles in Al-Midan newspaper under the title "The Secrets Behind the Conflicts between Christian Denominations." He criticizes Protestant churches and warns members of the Orthodox Church against their teachings. The series is in...
The Anglican Church urges all churches in the UK to pray for the Iraqi people. The author wishes that God may listen to their prayers as He listened to those of other kufar [unbelievers] before.


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