Displaying 151 - 160 of 198.
The head of the Protestant community council in Egypt denies pressurizing Evangelicals to vote for Mubārak.
Within the next few days, a delegation of Catholic men of religion will visit the Holy Land in Palestine. This is their second journey since Easter. This journey created resentment among Orthodox leaders who consider this action a violation to the majority, as Pope Shenouda III announced that...
Overview of churches in al-Ashmonein and a description of the claims of the Coptic Orthodox Church and Brethren Church on one and the same church building. The relations between Orthodox Christians and Muslims and Brethren and Muslims are obviously better than those between the two Christian...
Interview about the achievements of H.H. Pope Shenouda, the first Coptic Orthodox reform Patriarch, changes during his reign and perspective on the future.
Summary of the Ph.D. thesis of Revd. Dr. Wolfram Reiss about the Sunday School movement in the Coptic Orthodox Church with a focus on the role of Pope Shenouda III and Father Matta el-Meskeen and the place of the church in a Muslim society. Reiss´ study provides an excellent insight into the...
The author appreciates Dr. Milad Hanna´s opinion concerning the role of Arab Christians as a cultural bridge between Islam and the west. However, he does not agree with Hanna´s opinion that Protestant Christians tend to support Israel. He believes that such a statement worries emigrant...
The head of the Episcopal Church in Egypt and North Africa says that Arab Christians should give the West a true picture of their societies. Presbyterian Rev. Makram Naguib points out that because of the strong relations between the Presbyterian churches in Egypt and America, the latter supports...
Despite the fact that the Ethiopian Church follows the beliefs of the Coptic Orthodox Church and has been under its spiritual control till 1959, the relationship between the two churches has gone through times of conflicts, influenced by the political relationships between Egypt and Ethiopia.
Leaders of the Protestant Community Council in Egypt denied what has been said about the Protestant Community being negligent in regard to Israel´s attacks on the Islamic and Christian holy places. They explained that their stand toward the Israeli aggression differs from the stand of the...
The article reports on a prayer conference due to be held at Wādi al-Natroun from 22 to 25 March. Five thousand people from all over Egypt are expected to attend this conference to prayer for Egypt’s progress.


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