Displaying 21 - 30 of 124.
Next January, an Amsterdam Court will begin a retrial of the members of the Capital Cell terrorism organization, accused of terrorist activities and the murder of director Theo Van Gogh.
Scotland Yard’s head of counter- terrorism, Peter Clarke, has described the picture from intelligence gathered in the United Kingdom as "very disturbing," adding that thousands of British Muslims who may be involved in terrorism are being monitored by British authorities.
British authorities yesterday arrested 14 people in anti- terror raids in London and Manchester under the Terrorism Act 2000. A police statement denied links between the arrests and the recent alleged plot to detonate liquid explosives on board transatlantic passenger jets.
Muhammad al- Shāfi‘ī writes about the difficulties that new Muslim converts face in Western societies, particularly being singled out by extremist groups.
Canadian police have arrested 17 terror suspects on charges of planning attacks on a number of buildings in Canada. In Britain, anti-terrorist police hunted for a “dirty” chemical device that they say terrorists could use in attack in the United Kingdom. In Washington, the U.S. Department of...
In his message from Brussels, Abd Allāh Mustafa reports the latest incident of the arrest of three men and a woman in Rotterdam on claims of possession of explosives. The author also refers to the development of the role of women in terrorist cells in the Netherlands.
Thirteen suspected Islamists were detained yesterday in a joint French-Italian police operation targeting a group reported to have links the Algerian Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC).
A government study in the Netherlands has expressed pessimism regarding the future of Moroccan migrants.
Egyptian Rabi‘ ‘UthmaЃn, known as Muhammad al-MasriЃ, is suspected of involvement in planning the Madrid train bombs in 2004
A recent report submitted by the Dutch Intelligence Agency (AIVD) to the Dutch parliament on terror threats and the spread of extremism among the younger generation of Muslim immigrants has revealed that female extremists in the Netherlands have a more prominent role than that of their...


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