Date of source: Friday, September 22, 2006
The review considers a meeting between Pope Benedict XVI and the
ambassadors of Muslim
and Arab nations to the Holy See, in which the pontiff affirmed his respect for all
religions, particularly
Islam, and called for continuing the Muslim-Christian dialogue. He described this as of
Date of source: Saturday, July 26, 1997
Subtitle:The case is closed and the murderer is knownIn the past three months three Egyptians have been killed in Europe. The third was a businessman in Holland. "The case is closed and the murderer is known" is the conclusion of the author. Overseas authorities do not care for the death of an...
Date of source: Wednesday, July 30, 1997
With the long confrontation between the two civilizations, Islam and the West, the two sides inherited deep-rooted ideas about each other. The Christian and Jewish West does not acknowledge Islam as a heavenly religion. This is the most prominent and dangerous idea inherited by the West....
Date of source: Friday, July 18, 1997
Subtitle:Will I convert from Islam? A serious confession - our Islam is about to collapseEl- Muslimun of July 18 laments that Muslims exert much effort to get Christians to say the Islamic creed, but once they are Muslim, very little is done to help the new converts. Several examples of converts’...
Date of source: Wednesday, July 9, 1997
The text is a summary of an article in AlAhram, Egypt’s most influential daily, in which the author argues that Israel and the USA are trying to create religious tensions in Egypt by targeting Islam. The author reports that a picture of the Prophet Mohammed as a pig on the Holy Qur’an came at the...
Date of source: Friday, June 13, 1997
According to the paper, the Roman Catholic Church is worried about the great number of conversions to Islam.
Date of source: Sunday, September 17, 2006
The fifth anniversary of 9/11 was a strong reminder of the continued war declared by Islamism against the world, and especially the “infidel West.” This article approaches some of the many questions that that have been raised by the war.
Date of source: Friday, September 15, 2006
The launch of the first Islamic banking institution in the Netherlands offering Muslims non-usurious loans.
Date of source: Friday, September 15, 2006
A controversial statement by the Dutch
of justice about possibility of applying the Islamic sharī‘ah in The Netherlands
sparks fury.
Date of source: Thursday, September 7, 2006
In this article, the author interviews Dr. Ahmed Jaballa and asks him
about the role that Muslims in the West can play in being better representatives of Islam.