Displaying 301 - 310 of 1087.
The author represents an overview of Jane Smith’s book, “Islam in America,” in which she speaks about Muslims’ lives in the U.S.
The author reviews a novel written by Robert Ferrigno presuming what could happen if Islamists waged and won a war against the United States and established a caliphate there.
The article speaks of a landmark bill in Turkey giving its citizens the freedom to register whatever they want in the religion section of their identity cards.
Fātima talks about her life as a Muslim in the U.S and explains how she perceives Islam and its preaching, as well as her own view about the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Rashā ‘Āmir reviews part of Jane Smith’s book “Islam in America” that tackles the issue of Muslims’ roots in the U.S. and their current living conditions.
Dr. Nabīl Louqā Bibāwī, in this article, calls for a new model of culture that spreads love and tolerance among the people of the heavenly religions, presenting an example of an American pastor who allows Muslims to pray in the churchyard on Fridays.
Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino, head of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, expresses his support for the idea of teaching Islam to students in Italian schools.
Muhammad Hilāl reports on the statements of Shaykh Dr. Muhammad Bashār ‘Arafāt on inter-cultural understanding.
The Dutch Ministry of Education and Culture has announced the launch of a new project to allow Muslim imāms and preachers to graduate from the University of Leiden with governmental finance.
During meetings with some French Muslim converts, Arlette Khourī transmits their opinions and experiences of Islam, mentioning the official French perspective concerning the increase in the number of ‘new Muslims.’


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