Displaying 11 - 20 of 32.
  The American Islamic Summit, hosted in the Saudi Arabian capital, coincided with the final football match in the Islamic Solidarity Games hosted by Azerbaijan. 
Seeking to prevent further manipulation of mosques by the Muslim brotherhood, the Ministry of Endowments activated the decision that all the mosques should stay under its supervision.
The sermon delivered by Shaikh `Abd al-Hakam Salāma of Cairo's Al-Hussain mosque last Friday has caused outrage among Islam scholars and imams. In his attempt to ban calls for demonstrations that jeopardize the state's stability, the imam of the mosque cited verses of the Qur'ān and the Hadīth that...
Editor: AWR received this text before President Mubarak announced he would step down. Nothing in the media indicated that this could happen tonight, yet it did.   Ever since the demonstrations began on January 25, men of religion have been stressing the importance of them not being transformed from...
Egypt resorts to religion in order to confront sexual harassment.
The Administrative Court approved the Azhar decision not to enroll Christian students at the Azhar University.
The religious establishment in Egypt is composed of four main branches: the Azhar, the Azhar University, the Ministry of Endowments, and the Dar al-Iftā’. They are independent institutions that are loyal to the state.
The monopolized religious authority is an echo of the political monopolized authority and the result of hard financial conditions and regressing social and educational values.
Many of the issues considered as belonging to the proven and known in Islām can change according to time and circumstances. What some think as protection from foreign danger is really a restriction of development that gives one group of clergymen the authority to control the beliefs and...
Despite the public outrage against the statements of Minister of Culture Fārūq Husnī on the H...


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