Displaying 141 - 150 of 246.
In the symposium of “The heavenly religions and the Arabic identity,” the Sheikh of the Azhar said that heavenly religions came for all human beings and do not have any relation to the Arabic identity or any other identity. Pope Shenouda said that religions should have a universal direction and...
This press review tackles the Sunni-Shiite clashes in Iraq, the Egyptian initiative forwarded by top Sunni Muslim scholars in Egypt to bring an end to the violence, and the exchanged assaults on the shrines of both sides.
A review of articles in the Egyptian press on the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, examining the effect of the demonstrations across the Muslim world on Egypt’s tourist industry and suggestions that governments in Islamic countries have encouraged angry opposition to the cartoons to vent...
The author explains that disputes among Muslims are negatively affecting Islamic unity. These disputes are the result of two widespread misconceptions. The first is taqiyā and the second is the extreme sanctification of imāms.
Certain parties have managed to dominate the minds of some Europeans and bring them into a state of genuine panic about losing their national identity at the hands of what they called the Islamic cultural invasion. This has been one effective result of the boycott against Denmark following the...
Ikrām Lam‘ī says there is no doubt that cultural dialogue with foreigners has become an indispensable option.
Egyptian MP, Rajab Hilāl Himīda, made a shocking statement in a parliamentary session claiming that the Qur’ān incites terrorism.
Sa‘d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm states that fear of, and interest in, Islam have grown since September 11, 2001, and that Muslims should not deny this fact or settle for hurling naأ¯ve accusations against others of "concocting intrigues and conspiracies" against Islam.
In an interview with Hasan ‘Alī Dabbā, Dr. Yousuf al-Qaradāwī speaks his mind on a range of subjects concerning the future of the Islamic world and the harm Muslim extremists can cause to Islam.
Al-Ahrām has interviewed a number of Muslim scholars in an attempt to unearth some of the reasons for the underdevelopment of the Muslim world.


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