Displaying 181 - 190 of 246.
Misunderstanding the nature of the Islamic authority and judging Islam in the light of what happened to Christianity are the two reasons behind misunderstanding the relationship between Islam and secularism. Acknowledging the freedom of belief and thought, refusing the idea of the religious...
Associating religion with a certain regime or institution wrongs religion and turns it into a mere temporary and worldly formula that stops at personal conflicts and financial interests. True religion does not focus on establishing regimes but cares in the first place about planting the true faith...
Many orientalists and non-Muslim philosophers acknowledged the fact that the teachings of Islam are the best applicable. The article gives examples on what they have said about Islam.
The Islamic da’wa was badly affected as it has been carried out by people who concentrate on the appearance rather than the core of religion. Islam will not benefit from people who travel to Europe and America wearing short white gallabiyas, sitting on the ground licking their fingers after having...
Knowledge is essential to understand religion and religion is useless without it. Most Muslims do not pay much attention to this fact. Islam is a simple religion and therefore it is the religion of the world and humanity. If people stay simple they will find themselves part of the world and...
In this article Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi speaks about Islam and secularism, the weakness and disunity among Muslims, the Muslims’ aggression towards the West, the violence of the Gama’at Al-Islamiya and the responsibility of the preachers, thinkers and the governments towards correcting the...
The author speaks about the absent role of the Islamic religious institution and gives his perception of the role it should play. He believes that the Islamic religious institution is not able to spread an awareness of Islam in the West, which believes Islam to be the new enemy of western...
The book "Treatment of Non-Muslims in the State of Islam," by Ibrahim Suleiman, refutes the claims accusing Islam of being a religion of fanaticism that blots out freedom. It also discusses the principles of the Islamic Shari’a regarding the treatment of non-Muslims.
The Mufti of Egypt said that Dr. Nawal Al-Sa’adawi disapproves of religious matters while being fully aware of it, maintaining and insisting on her disapproval and obscenities. Thus according to the Shari’a [Islamic Law], she steps out of the area of Islam and leaves Muslim society.
The secretary and preacher of the Muslim Brotherhood was one of the people who called for reconsideration of the priorities of Islamist activity. He said that the Brotherhood’s strategic goal is founding an Islamic state to be classified outside secularism and that the priorities of the Brotherhood...


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