Displaying 21 - 30 of 59.
The Muftī of Egypt Dr ‘Alī Jum‘ah issued a controversial fatwá that a pregnant woman whose husband had died or left for four years cannot be considered an adulteress.
Sayyid Ghannām writes about the latest controversial fatwá issued by the muftī. The fatwá argues that a woman who delivered a child four years after her husband’s death is not adulterous and that pregnancy can span more than nine months.
In an attempt to curb the sea of fatwas, the Azhar has recently submitted a proposal to the People’s Assembly, in which it called for introducing legislation to criminalize the issuance of fatwas by unqualified Muslim scholars, Muhammad Khalīl writes.
Although the fatwa of Dr. Ali Jum‘a permits non-Muslim mothers to get custody of their Muslim children regardless of their age, many jurists refuse to allow children over the age of seven to remain with their mothers.
The author deals in his full-page article with the reaction by an Islamic writer about the fatwa of Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘a, the muftī, considering statues harām, and how this writer strongly supported the fatwa from an aesthetic point of view, although she is not an art specialist.
The muftī of the republic, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘a, has given the Egyptian ministry of interior the green light to kill terror suspects, describing them as “scum,” in a language that is unbecoming to a religious scholar, Ibtisām Tha‘lab writes.
The review deals with a fatwa by Muftī of the Republic Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘a on the right of a non-Muslim mother to retain custody of her children in the case of her husband’s conversion to Islam in light of a lawsuit filed by a Christian convert to Islam who claimed the right to custody of his...
The article deals with Bahā’ism in Egypt and the attempts by the followers of this faith to obtain official recognition, particularly in light of a recent court ruling holding that the Ministry of Interior ministry should grant them identity cards in which their religion is registered.
The Egyptian Muftī cAlī Juma‘ has been quoted by some newspapers as saying in a seminar at the Azhar that extremists must be killed and there is no need to talk with them. According to these papers, he lauded security forces for their approach to radicals.To verify such reports, al- Usbua‘...
The author in this article criticizes the muftī and the religious institution, refuting the muftī’s defense that it has never been responsible for terrorism, and calls for fatwas taking into account the spirit of modernity.


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