Displaying 21 - 30 of 36.
In a meeting of Islamic intellectuals, the Minister of Awqaf said that worshipping is more than the performance of religious rites. The Mufti promoted the idea of a Common Arabic and Islamic Market. He declared that importing any commodity that has an alternative in our Islamic and Arabic markets...
The Mufti of Egypt issued an official fatwa that allows the marriage of Al-Missyar*. By doing so, he contradicted the fatwa of Sheikh Gad Al-Haq Ali Gad Al-Haq, the late Sheikh of the Azhar, in which he said that Al-Missyar marriage is illegal and that it is like the mota’a marriage [for joy,...
There are many different opinions about the Islamic telephone service. The Mufti believes that taking money for giving a fatwa is illegal and dangerous that makes people turn to non-specialists. The dean of the Faculty of Shari’a is of opinion that if a certain institution asks an individual or a...
The issue of the business of fatwas resulted in a major disagreement between the Mufti and Dr. Abdel-Mo’ti Bayoumi, dean of the ’Usul el-Din Faculty [roughly translated as Islamic Theology] at the Azhar University. The different reactions towards the project led to its suspension.
The Mufti of Egypt stated that there is no reason why a Christian could not run for a seat in Parliament. He also stated the Shari’a [Islamic law] does not forbid a Moslem to vote for a Christian.
The Mufti of Egypt affirmed that gaining money in return for Fatwas is illegal. He assured people that many of those who offered the new telephonic Fatwa service denied that their aim was to make money. He revealed that nobody can monopolize Fatwas.
Who is behind ignoring the opinion of the Mufti of Egypt [an official who gives his religious opinions based on Islamic law and logical measurement] in the matter of the novel "A Banquet for the Seaweed"? Why was he silent? Why did the government not ask his opinion, although it has asked the...
In spite of the objection of the Mufti and some sheikhs, the Minister of Al-Awqaf issued a decision agreeing to the appointment of women as assistants to the main preachers of the mosques. The Minister confirmed that women should pass through certain tests before they are appointed for these jobs.
Emigrant Egyptians all over the world can now follow the news of their country via the Internet. One particular site provides Muslims all over the world with fatwas in their religion from the Mufti of Egypt. Pope Shenouda also publishes a weekly message on the web to the emigrant Copts.
The infamous Article 291 of the penal code, which exempts a rapist from punishment if he marries his victim, was canceled by the People’s Assembly on 20 April. Lawyers and women’s activists, who’d been pushing for years for amendment to the law, hailed the decision as a partial victory for women’s...


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