Displaying 21 - 30 of 37.
A conference was held in Lebanon last week under the supervision of the Organization of Arab Islamic-Christian Dialogue affiliated with the Middle East Council of Churches. A group of Christians and Muslims from Egypt, Lebanon and Syria attended the conference. Two professors from Washington were...
A Moroccan fundamentalist movement, Al-Tawhid Wa Al-Islah [Unity and Reformation], condemned defaming peaceful Islamic organizations. It issued a statement stressing that the terrorist attacks of Casablanca show the importance of following moderation and rejecting violence.
The author criticizes fundamentalism in Islam. He is of the opinion that fundamentalists believe that Islam is nothing but appearance and rigidity. He adds that those who try to promote fundamentalist Islam mock Muslims and use it as a way to make themselves superior.
The author comments on the thoughts of fundamentalists. He believes their perception of Islam is superficial and leads to terrorism
Interview with the Malaysian advisor of the prime minister for Islamic affairs. He explains the Malaysian perspective of Islam and comments on martyrdom operations and the Iraqi issue.
Before I answer this question, I want to explain what fundamentalism means. Fundamentalism means to return to the origins, in other words, a return to the Holy Qur’ān and the Sunnah [sayings or actions of the Prophet] Accordingly, most Muslims are fundamentalists, even though they reject violence...
Fundamentalism is a political heresy created by a group of people who want to be distinguished from others. They regard the killing of their opponents as lawful and aim to prevail over weak-mined people with allegedly divine law. Certain foreign bodies have supported and financed this heresy. The...
Egyptian religious scholars criticized the term “fundamentalism” and claimed that it is a suspicious term that was invented by the West in order to distort the image of Islam and accuse Islam of being a religion that calls for bigotry, violence and terrorism against non-Muslims.
In his book “Fundamentalism - The Search For Meaning” Malise Ruthven wrote: “If we want to search for a peaceful solution to the world’s diseases, we should develop a cultural understanding of the military religious activities known as fundamentalism.” The book focuses on the Islamic world, yet it...
Muslim and Jewish extremists share the same trait of fearing interpretation of the holy texts, and thus they follow them literally. Hence, the human mind, to them, is a tool to be utilized for the sake of escaping heaven’s judgment.


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