Displaying 131 - 139 of 139.
The Grand Sheikh recently clashed with those more politically minded when he refused to lead a prayer for the martyrs of Kosovo. Explaining that it was unlawful according the Muslim Shari’a, he suggested that those who wished to pray for martyrs do so at home or at mosques affiliated to the...
Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud recently provoked the anger of many Muslim scholars and the general public, by his recent denial of the concept of the Prophet Mohammed’s intercession on behalf of believers on the Day of Judgment.
The intercession of the Prophet Mohammed is confirmed by the Holy Qur’an and the Sunna. Two references from the Qur’an are given in support of this matter.
The Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Dr. Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi was asked if the Qur’an specifically indicated the intercession of the prophet Mohammed on behalf of Muslim sinners. His answer is given.
Prominent men of religion and outstanding writers and thinkers denounced all sorts of racism, intolerance and disparities among Muslims and non-Muslims.
For the author professor Abdel Mo’ti Bayoumi, Dean of the School of Theology at Al-Azhar, was influenced by the daring writings of Gamal Al-Banna when he initiated his theory of updating the principles of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence).
The Sharia is based on Qur’an and Hadith. But most hathiths are very weak and probably are not even true, argues the author. The author describes differences within the Azhar.
An explanation of the meaning of verse 154 of Surah 2, which may be rendered in translation as follows: "Do not say that those who are killed in the cause of God are dead; for they are alive, but you are not aware of it."
Wa’il El-Ibrashi explains in this article the thoughts of Dr. Abdel Shahin who wrote a book on Adam who was born from a father and a mother and not from clay as the Qur’an teaches. Dr. Shahin’s book has been attacked by sheikh Morgan from Saudi Arabia.


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