Displaying 11 - 20 of 22.
Novelist Tharwat Abaza believes that Nawal Al-Sa’adawi’s opinion that going on pilgrimage is paganism indicates a serious mistake and disbelief and that her ideas about inheritance and her claim to make man equal with woman is a major disaster. He said that his judgment of Al-Sa’adawi is based on...
One of the newspapers ran an interview with Dr. Nawal Al-Sa’adawi, in which she was asked her opinion about going on pilgrimage and other issues. The author argues against her opinions and claims that her knowledge of Islam is poor.
The Mufti of Egypt said that Dr. Nawal Al-Sa’adawi disapproves of religious matters while being fully aware of it, maintaining and insisting on her disapproval and obscenities. Thus according to the Shari’a [Islamic Law], she steps out of the area of Islam and leaves Muslim society.
The Mufti believes that Dr. Nawal Al-Sa’adawi’s broke the boundaries of good manners and morals and that her opinion concerning transplantation of sexual organs leads to the undesirable mixing of lineage. He stressed that the hijab [hair cover] is clothing in accordance with the Qur’an and the...
Dr. Adel Sabour Shahin said that Nawal Al-Sa’adawi was a heretic and a communist who does not believe in God. Dr. Suade Salah, the former dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, said that her opinions are considered a deviation from religion as she denied one of the main essentials in Islam, that...
Interview with Dr. Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, Grand Sheikh of the Azhar, about a range of actual subjects in Egypt, including regulating pilgrimage, his opposition to the embargo of Iraq, religious censorship, the new magazine of the Azhar, a fatwa on taking loans, presenting religious personalities...
Thousands of Egyptian Muslims clamored into tents set up at Abbasiya’s Youth Center on November 7 to find out if this year would be the chance to fulfill one of their most important religious obligations.
Maverick lawyer Mustafa Rasian is filing suit against the Interior Minister, Sheikh Al Azhar and the Grand Mufti of the Republic because of a new policy mandating that Hajj pilgrims wait five years before going to Hijaz again.
Writing in his column "Issues Today", the author explains how easy it is to convert is Islam.
Egypt’s state theologian, Mufti Nasr Farid Wasel on April 17, denied reports that he had issued a fatwa (religious opinion) saying that it was haram (forbidden) under Islam for actresses and belly dancers to perform the hajj (Muslim pilgrimage).


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