Date of source: Saturday, April 15, 2006 to Friday, April 21, 2006
Students belonging to the Islamist current in the Dār al-‘Uloum college have issued a statement attacking a play they view as conflicting with the precepts of Islam.
Date of source: Saturday, April 15, 2006 to Friday, April 21, 2006
Several students at the Faculty of Fine Art think that art in general, and sculpture in particular, is harām and accordingly they are trying to spread their ideas to influence the rest of the students.
Date of source: Saturday, April 15, 2006 to Friday, April 21, 2006
Students and professors of faculties of media in different Egyptian universities give their opinion about the motives behind wearing the hijāb [headscarf].
Date of source: Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Former actresses and singers
wearing the hijāb clarify
their stance concerning presenting religious shows on satellite channels.
Date of source: Wednesday, April 5, 2006
The author of the article presents the views of the
media on the religious satellite channels
hosting actresses preaching Islam.
Date of source: Sunday, April 9, 2006
Sudanese Islamic leader Dr. Hasan al-
Turābi has recently made known some of his views on a number of controversial Muslim issues, including the
hijāb, marriage between a Muslim woman and a kitābī [Reviewer: belonging to the
book, a Christian or a Jew], women leading prayers and the testimony of...
Date of source: Thursday, October 11, 2001
The Mufti of Egypt allowed veiled Muslim women who live in Western countries to remove their veil, if they found that it exposed them to danger or threatened their lives. This was as a result of the present circumstances Muslims are confronting in such countries as a reaction to the attacks in...
Date of source: Sunday, October 14, 2001
The situation of Muslims today is like that of the Jews yesterday. They are divided among themselves and killing each other. They are the fugitives of this age. The flames of the fire that the Muslims are exposed to is a punishment for a group that was supposed to be the elite of the world because...
Date of source: Saturday, October 6, 2001 to Friday, October 12, 2001
The attacks of September 11 brought forth feelings of rage against everything that has to do with Islam. Wearing a veil is considered to be an explicit sign of Islam and its political attitude. The West has attacked the veil considering it a sign of Islam and its attitudes. The West’s attack on the...
Date of source: Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Rushdī Abu al-Hasan reviews a book by an American researcher about Wahābism entitled “Wahabi Islam, From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad,” describing it as a very positive attempt to examine an Islamic movement.