Displaying 221 - 230 of 426.
The author claims that women wearing the hijab are excluded from the public action. He recounted three different stories of women suffering from this problem.
The author comments on an article by Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Al-Maseer published in Al-Liwa al-Islami. Al-Maseer wrote that the niqab [head scarf covering the face with the exception of the eyes] is not a religious obligation and not even a sunna. The author refutes this opinion.
The author comments on an article published in Al-Hayat of June 26, 2003 under the title “A veil for the head or the mind?” by Adonees. She refutes what Adonees said about the veil [hijab] not being an obligation, as there is no clear-cut text in the Qur´an in that respect. She disagrees with...
The author discusses the issue of veil [hijab] in Islam. He believes that all what is said about hijab being a religious obligation is simply interpretations that oblige only those who initiate them. He comments on the attitude of fundamentalists towards Muslim women wearing veil in Western...
The author comments on the issue of Sultana Freeman, an American woman who brought an action against the authorities of Florida State. The authorities refused to issue her a driving license that has a photo of her wearing the niqab [veil that covers hair and face]. She comments on the issue in...
The article recounts the story of a student in a French language school in Alexandria, who was expelled because of wearing the hejab. Her father brought a suit against the school and the court ruled that she should attend her classes with the hejab.
The article discusses the conditions of the Muslim community and France, its relations with the secular French society and its political influence.
The issue of the hejab [veil] has surfaced once more in France. The French prime minister tried to explain the attitude of French schools towards the hejab. He says that students are not treated on religious bases but simply as students of the French Republic. That is why no group should be...
Unknown men have attacked many unveiled women by throwing sulfuric acid on either their faces, chests or legs, as a punishment for not wearing the veil. Such incidents coincide with another phenomenon; in the women-only carriages of the underground, women wearing niqab preach the necessity of...
The author comments on the situation of Muslims. He believes that Muslims, who should be the best among nations, are weak, disunited, persecuted and suspected everywhere. This is because they are not following the Qur´an. They only concentrate on Qur´anic verses that are related to the...


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