Displaying 101 - 110 of 123.
Subtitle:In the 1970s Muslims used machine guns. Now extremists use courts and cases.Algeria cancelled the 1992 elections, which the Muslims dominated, yet it suffered more by cancelling them.The problem in Turkey is the extremism of the secularists.Kamal Attaturk banned Turks from travelling to...
The author wonders in this article whether increasing the number of dā‘iyas are enough to convince the West of the soundness of the Muslim faith.
The author criticizes fundamentalism in Islam. He is of the opinion that fundamentalists believe that Islam is nothing but appearance and rigidity. He adds that those who try to promote fundamentalist Islam mock Muslims and use it as a way to make themselves superior.
The headmistress of the Education Department in the Conservatoire Institution ordered primary and preparatory students to sing a song about the attributes of God in the morning line-up instead of the national anthem. Students´ parents, both Muslims and Christians, objected to what she did.
Rose El-Youssef´s special file for this week tackles the conflict erupted between the governor of Al-Gharbia and the Muslim Brotherhood because of Al-Geel Al-Muslim schools. It comments on a recent study by Specialized National Councils that calls for deepening religious beliefs in the minds...
The author presents some views of security personalities and other experts regarding Islamic groups’ manipulation of democracy.
The author introduces the viewpoints of renowned Muslim intellectuals about the relationship between Islam and democracy.
In an interview, renowend writer Salāh ‘Īsa stresses elections as one of the tools of democracy. He believes that if Islamists come to power in any Arab country, they will amalgamate with other political powers and ultimately they will become secular parties with Islamic titles.
The tragedy of Muslim societies is that religion is not separated from life, in a way that serves human progress nor is it part of life, in a way that makes of religion an intellectual and enlightened energy against whatever suppresses man, whether political or economic or religious authorities.


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