Displaying 1111 - 1120 of 1122.
Top on the agenda of problems that have to be solved in the Islamic world is the problem of illiteracy which reached 45% and terrorism which results in some countries in a wrong understanding of Islam.
President Hosni Mobarak delivered a speech in the opening of The Tenth Conference of the Higher Council for Islamic Affairs including the situation regarding the peace process, and the Islamic nation’s obligation towards the holy sites in Jerusalem and the Muslim minorities throughout the world.
A high profile Muslim response to an offensive Internet web site succeeded in having the site removed from one server, only to see it reappear on the web.
America on Line announces that it has canceled a site on the Internet that contained forged Qu’ranic verses.
Qu’ranic verses are forged on the Internet. The site called suralikeit contains Arabic words written in the style and rhythm of the Qur’an to form sentences opposed to it in meaning.
A discussion of whether or not it is necessary or acceptable to have an Islamic party.
The writer replies to what he views as attacks on Islamists writers who confront communist and secular writers. The current case being that of Dr. Bayoumi’s defense of Dr. Hassan Hanafi.
Sha’arawi was considered "something of a saint". He defended Sadat when he visited Israel in 1977. His popularity grew after he resigned as minister of Religious Endowments and his popularity made him almost impervious to criticism and only a few, mostly leftists, dared challenge his religious...
An autobiography of the phenomenal preacher. The translator added the references to many other articles which appeared about sheikh Sha’arawi in the Egyptian press.
The oldest known photographs of Mecca and Medina were sold at Sotheby’s.


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