Displaying 61 - 70 of 1122.
Al-Azhar followed the televised statements made by Ieronymos II, the Archbishop of Athens and all Greece, and the head of the Greek Orthodox Church, in which he said that “Islam is not a religion but rather a political party, and its followers are people of war, expansion, and influence.”
The Minister of Endowments, Dr. Muḥamad Mukhtār Jumaʿa, and journalist Karam Jabr, Chairman of the Supreme Council for Media Regulation, announced the launching of the first activities of the ‘Awareness-Raising’ strategy for 2021, which is organized by al-Awqāf Ministry and the SCRM.
On December 20, 2020, Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī posted a tweet, blaming a lack of thinking on Muslims’ part for their current circumstances.  He quoted French Philosopher René Descartes’s saying “I think; therefore, I am,” but added that he fears that it will be said of Muslims: “You are not because you do...
“It is forbidden to give zakāt to non-Muslims.”  The Egyptian Dār al-Iftāʾ released a fatwa [fatwā] a few days ago that caused controversy between Muslims and Copts in Egypt.  Egyptians were divided on social media with some rejecting and some supporting the fatwā.  The controversy about the fatwā...
There is an ancient inclination going back to the humanity’s origin to explain natural disasters as the wrath of God or “a divine being.”  This inclination goes back to humanity’s instinctual need to be connected to the force of nature that has control over disasters and surpasses humanity’s...
Parliamentarian Ṣābir ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm said that the reconciliation session in the village of al-Barshā in Mallawī has come to an end, averting sectarian strife.  The session was attended by several clergymen, parliamentarians, and politicians in al-Minyā.
The Coptic Orthodox Church called on people to not get involved or get carried away with Egypt’s enemies both at home and abroad, who want to cause sectarian strife and division and harm the country’s peace and security. 
A church source warned against getting carried away with people who provoke sectarian strife, especially on social media. 
The Council of Senior Scholars at al-Azhar announced details for al-Azhar’s scientific research competition.  This competition comes as part of al-Azhar’s responsibilities as a basic reference for Islamic matters and as the intellectual and cultural fortress for the Islamic world.  It also comes as...
The Cairo Appeals Prosecution continues its investigation into a complaint filed by the National Media Authority accusing stand-up comedian Muḥammad Ashraf of “mocking the state-owned Holy Quran [al-Qurʾān al-Karīm] radio station.”


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