Displaying 11 - 20 of 105.
The article is a personal interpretation of Islam presented by al-Nogaidan. He explores his experiences with Islam, beginning with extremist ideologies that were fostered in Saudi Arabia, to his realization of Islam as a try religion of peace.
I wrote an article in which I criticized the group of takfir [accusation of unbelief]. Fahmy HewadiHuweidy wrote an article, published in Asharq Al-Awsat on August 18, 2004, in response to my article. In his response, Fahmy HewadiHuweidy appointed himself spokesman of the group of takfir and...
Last week I read an article by one of them published in Asharq Al-Awsat on August 9. The main idea of the article was based on imagining an Arab-Muslim person in a room with representatives of different religions and races. The author of the article raises the question: How would this Arab-Muslim...
During a seminar held at the Journalists? Syndicate, the heavyweight Muslim scholar Shaykh al-Qaradawi discussed, among other subjects, the situation in Iraq. Shaykh al-Qaradawi, the head of the newly established, Ireland-based Union of Muslim Scholars, was quoted as saying that all Americans in...
Al-Qahera published three articles commenting on the Arab Culture Conference in Cairo. Al-Liwa al-Islami interviewed three Muslim scholars to comment on the conference.
The Arab Culture Conference in Cairo, which was organized by the Ministry of Culture and the Supreme Council of Culture, from the first to the third of July, received a lot of criticism. It is believed to have called for Western intervention and for anti-Islamic ideas. The conference, titled ?...
Prof. Andreas van Agt explained great changes in the cultural climate of north-western Europe in the pasty decades, becoming more hostile to religion and certainly not only Islām. Muslims needs to understand those changes in order to be able to respond better to European critique on Islām and the...
In this article the author condemns the denial made by several Arab and Muslim intellectuals of the Holocaust, referring to the conference that took place in Tehran in this regard.
The monopolized religious authority is an echo of the political monopolized authority and the result of hard financial conditions and regressing social and educational values.
Hāzim ‘Abduhlists a number of Muslim and non-Muslim thinkers and writers, whom he says have launched a vicious campaign against Islām in an attempt to undermine Islamic culture and values.


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