Displaying 101 - 110 of 205.
Strict Islam infected restaurants and cafés after demands to allow beard growing were raised inside the army, interior ministry and judiciary. [Rānyā Nabīl, al-Ahālī, Feb. 29, p. 3] Read text in Arabic
A former coach of Egypt’s National Football Team once said it was beyond him to understand the nature of the character of some of Egypt’s national team players. They carefully abided by training routines, they comprehended strategies and carried them out on the green field, and they knew very well...
The Islamists and others with religion high on their political agendas are no better than the liberals when it comes to Egypt's forthcoming parliamentary and presidential elections. The conservatives who control the (Muslim) Brotherhood are not the majority. They refuse to enter into dialogue with...
Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Ahmad el-Tayīb meets on 3 May 2011 in his office in Cairo a Muslim Brotherhood delegation, media sources reported on May 2.
A few thousands salafists gathered in front of al-Nūr mosque in 'Abāsīyah on April 19, 2011, demanding the returning of Kāmīliyā Shihātah. After the protest, salafists rallied from the mosque to the headquarter of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, chanting slogans against Coptic Pope...
Khayrat al-Shātir, Deputy of the Muslim Brotherhood's (MB) Murshid, said in his first announced conferencem, that developing the MB consists of several steps that will take some time to achieve. He added that the MB's Murshid assigned him the mission of developing the group and the MB's work.  
The International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS) issued a declaration, signed by Shaykh Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī, Chairman of the Union, to Egyptians. The declaration condemned fitnah tā'ifīyah between Muslims and Christians, and asserted that Islam protect churches and respects them, as well as fights...
 Ahmad al-Ghazūlī believe that there has to be Islamic secularity that build so that a Muslim Democratic party can be built above it, that can interact and not only coexist with non-muslims. He proposed the idea of establishing a Muslim secularity that excludes the fake Muslim Brotherhood...
Mustafá talks about Shaykh Qaradāwī’s controversial comments on Shiites during a television interview, saying that they should not live amongst Sunnīs. He says that the danger in Qaradāwī’s remarks lies in his huge influence on the Islamic world. Mustafá also says that Qaradāwī’s comments on the...
Ghazūlī begins by saying that worldwide, the separation of religion from politics and church from state is currently under pressure. "Today, strong currents...in the West are mixing religion and politics and giving the church a growing role in public affairs; so are we to do the same?" the writer...


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