Displaying 111 - 120 of 203.
This article sheds light on the six necessary legal procedures which are to be fulfilled before validating a conversion to Islam.
The article discusses the percentage of Egyptians that are sent to receive a religious education.
The article is based on an interview with the well-known cleric Khālid al-Jindī.
The author investigates the traditions surrounding death in Islam, and the belief in the afterlife.
‘Alā’ al-Ghutrayfī interviews ‘Amr Khalid and discusses his vision concerning the future and how he applies it through his programs.
The article discusses three recent books that cover a number of topics that focus on religion. The authors that are discussed include Patricia Hampl, Richard Dawkins and Matthew Kneale.
The idea proposed by the Minster of Awqaf [Religious Endowment] Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq inspired wide-scale reactions among Muslim scholars and the public. Many conservative Muslims did not like the idea of unifying the Azan, likely because it is so radically different from what people are used...
The article talks about Saudi female preaching activities in Saudi Arabia. It represents different opinions and requests of different well-known Saudi female preachers.
The author discusses the impact of religious preaching on Egyptian youth.
Muhammad al- Shāfi‘ī interviews Dr. Ahmad Duwīdār, Imām of the Manhattan mosque, to discuss the obligations of Muslims living in exile.


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