Displaying 201 - 209 of 209.
Sheikh Omar Abd Al-Rahman, the leader and mufti of the Gama’at al-Islamiya, who is now imprisoned in the United States for a life, changed his mind about presenting a request to return to Egypt because he doesn’t want to give up his activities for the Islamic Daawa, the call to Islam.
In early October, a new site appeared on the Internet - "Islam Online". It is a cultural project of tremendous importance to the needs and opportunities of our times. It is the first worldwide service attempting to use Internet to introduce Islam comprehensively in a way that would combine...
Many Islamic scholars question the value of artistic films. Many of them reject the representation of a sheikhh or ma’azun [marriage official] on the screen. Others, however, want to use the film as a means to spread Islam.
Saudi Arabia’s grand mufti of 25 years is dead, but his Islamic missionary efforts will continue via his extensive writings and an Internet web page.
In this interview Mohammed Hassan talks about the current state of Islam work worldwide and says that the existence of several Islamic groups is a healthy phenomena. He says the United States will fall down because this is God’s law. He also says that Muslims are responsible for the retardation of...
Islam is a religion for this world. It is a heavenly constitution ensuring true justice for all people, man’s good and virtue, freedom, equality, tolerance. It is a religion of principle and faith, a religion of easiness, not hardship. But preachers of Islam emerged claiming that their duty and...
The author of this article objects to folk stories about the prophets. He wants to purify Islam from such folk stories.
Sheikh Sha’arawi was the foremost television preacher and was able to influence millions. Sha’arawi’s aim was to maintain traditional religious values in society through convincing people to adhere to these values. The authors believe he died at a time that the tide of religious conservatism may...
Sheik Abdallah Ben Manie’-member of the committee for senior scholars answers about the correct method of training for preachers and questions whether or not the Muslims have fulfilled their obligation towards dawa (Islamic mission.)


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