Displaying 71 - 80 of 203.
Counselor Muhammad ‘Abd al-Salām, the advisor of Al-Azhar Shaykh and the rapporteur of the Basic Principles subcommittee in the Constituent Assembly, stated that new constitution stresses that Al-Azhar is a reference to all matters pertaining to Islamic affairs. He assured that it is based on the...
Muslim scholars, during a symposium on the media’s role in the society, appealed to the mass media to observe accuracy, objectives and Islamic values established by the Prophet Muhammad more than 1400 years ago so the nation may rise up and find its way out of its predicament. [Ahmad ‘Abd al-...
The civil state proponents achieved a remarkable victory inside the constituent assembly drafting a new constitution for Egypt, successfully obtaining the abolition of several articles that clash with the principles of citizenship and equality.
An anonymous security source stated that Muslim Brotherhood leader Mahmūd ‘Izzat has sent a letter to three terrorist groups in Sinai requesting 300 terrorists to execute an alleged plan for “the last chance” to be executed on the anniversary of June 30th.
Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib, the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, received on Wednesday a delegation of Nigerian doctors, religious and community leaders.
Dr. Su’ād Nassār, Professor of Comparative Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh), presented in the International Conference of the Islamic Scholars Council the possibility of having female muftis. The conference was entitled “the Dangers of Takfīrī Thought, and  Fatwas made without knowledge on National...
Dr. Muhammad Mukhtār Gum’ah, Minister of Endowments, stated that the success of the International Conference of the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs has assured that Egypt is the country of security and peace. He added that it has showed that Egypt has regained its power and leadership, and that...
Dār al-‘Iftā’ al-Misriyyah (an Islamic institute for education and legal research), has stated that Egyptian society is undergoing a wave of certain groups labeling others as unbelievers, as a way of achieving political gains. The institute stated that this was one of the most serious offences...
Leaders of the Da’wah al- Salafiyah assured that they will be able to give speeches soon and that there is a solution that will be revealed soon to the problem of getting preaching licenses
The Appellation Persecution decided to release Yāssir al- Burhāmī, Salafī leader, from the prosecution office. 


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