Displaying 61 - 70 of 146.
‘Abd al-Rahīm Abū Shāmah reports about ‘Alī Jum‘ah’s fatwá concerning Muslims investing their money in foreign banks.
The muftī of Egypt warns Muslims about depositing their money in foreign banks.
Dār al-Iftā’ issue a fatwá claiming that polygamy is not prohibited in Judaism and Christianity according to the Torah and the Bible. The fatwá aroused Christians’ resentment.
Ibrāhīm al-Qaradāwī discusses a recent fatwá by the muftī of Egypt, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah, about the religious permissibility of keeping house rents the same.
The following text presents a number of the most popular Islamic Dā‘iyahs in the modern time.
Islamic Sharī‘ah does not allow for both men and women to kill their partner when catching them red handed committing adultery, and called for the judiciary to rule on the matter.
Shaymā’ ‘Abd al-Laṭīf interviewed Dr. Muṣṭafá al-Shak‘ah, member of the Islamic Research Academy, on Islamic-related issues such as his opinion on the recent controversial Fatwás, the role of the academy in censoring books, and the recent calls to purify religious books from weak Ḥadīths.
The Muftī of the Republic Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah has announced for the first time that ’female circumcision’ is Ḥarām as it violates the Islamic teachings and causes great social and physical harm to females.
Some papers claimed that the Shaykh of the Azhar refused to extend the period in office of Dr. Nasser Farid Wassel as a Muftī for Egypt and appointed instead of him Dr. Ahmad El-Tayyeb because the former Muftī issued many Fatāwá that corticated his Fatāwá. Other papers shed light on the...
The increasing phenomenon of Fatwás being issued by “satellite Shaykhs” is discussed. The author questions who has the authority to control these Fatwás, and why they issue is not being focused on.


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