Displaying 51 - 60 of 133.
In his second article, Dr. al-Ṭayyīb explains that Islām respects the freedom of creed of non-Muslims and that the Islamic Sharī‘ah never obliges a woman to convert to Islam when marrying a Muslim. The Pact of the Christians of Najrān is a collection of obligatory Islamic rules for treating non-...
It is high time to relate the Crusades to Christianity. Rev. Rif‘at responds to Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyib’s article in al-Ahrām where he defends Islam by attacking Christianity and the Bible.
Photos of the military-style parade staged by the Muslim Brotherhood at al-Azhar University raised alarm in the Egyptian press that the Muslim Brotherhood was forming a militia.
A student of higher studies at the Usūl al-Dīn [Fundamentals of Religion] Faculty, al-Minūfīyah branch of the Azhar University, wrote a PhD thesis deeming that the Rose al-Yūsuf periodical and founder were Kāfir. In week 50, AWR presented a series of reactions published in Rose al- Yūsuf. The...
The Supreme Administrative Court set the date of December 16, 2006 to release its final verdict on the issue of registering the Bahā’ī faith in official documents in Egypt.
Six Muslim Brotherhood students were dismissed for forming a students union parallel to the official one at the Azhar University. Consequently, vandals from the group’s students broke into the university building and blockaded the chancellor’s bureau.
Despite the public outrage against the statements of Minister of Culture Fārūq Husnī on the H...
The following lines review an interview with the Azhar Shaykh Dr. Sayyid Tantāwī in which the Shaykh expresses his complete ignorance of the Takfīr of Rose al-Yūsuf, and asks his interviewer to refer to other people or claim a file against the person.
A group of Azhar scholars declare their opinions on the Azhar researcher’s thesis that deemed Rose al-Yūsuf Kāfir. All scholars denounced the Takfīr; however some approved the negative stance on the periodical.
Sāmih Fawzī writes about Takfīr and Rose al- Yūsuf, questioning the role of the Islamic Research Academy. Fawzī highlights the phenomena of recorded tapes that put national unity under threat as they encourage religious discrimination and call for supporting mujāhids.


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