Displaying 61 - 70 of 94.
Sunday, February 6 witnessed a peculiar exhibition amidst the drama unfolding in Tahrir Square. Christian Egyptians publically conducted a prayer service, honoring their fallen co-demonstrators who have died in the effort to topple the Mubarak government. Calling them ‘martyrs’, as is common...
During the second week of the protests in Egypt rumors spread through the Internet that Ambassador Muhammad Rifa’a al-Tahtawi, official spokesman for the Azhar, had submitted his resignation to Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib, Grand Imām of the Azhar.    
In her article Manāl ‘Abd al-‘Azīz claims that recent Muslim-Christian tension in Egypt is the result of deteriorating social, economic, and political conditions. She wonders whether recent attacks on Copts really are the result of hidden religious hatreds or if they instead reflect a “deep sense...
This article introduces the suggestion of Grand Shaykh of the Azhar, Ahmad al-Tayyib, to develop a "Family Home" iniatitive, which aims to create an atmosphere of mutual cooperation and hospitality between Egypt's Muslims and Christians. The initiative will deal with various faith-related issues...
Mohammad ‘Alī Khayr esteems the wisdom of the new Shaykh of the Azhar, praising him for his moderate and comprehensive thoughts. First he states that Muslims should be moderate and that the sword can't be the symbol of Islam. Then he comments on Al-Azhary channel, as he considers it a kind of trade...
The author states that Dr. Khālid al-Jindī, an Islamic propagandist, affirms that it is not acceptable to repeal the accusations of Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyib regarding the resources and finance of Al-Azharī TV. He also confirms that the judgement of the Grand Shaykh of the Azhar is supreme and...
Endowments Minister Mahmūd Hamdī Zaqzūq confirmed that there are no Shiite mosques in Egypt, adding that there is no fundamental disagreement between Sunnī and Shī‘ah. Azhar Grand Shaykh Ahmad al-Tayyib received invitations from Shiites to deliver speeches in Iraq and Lebanon and says that...
In an interview with onislam.net, Azhar Grand Shaykh Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyib said that if it weren’t for the Azhar, Bishop Bīshūy’s comments would have caused a fitnah that could have hit Egypt from Aswan to Alexandria. He added that although he hates conspiracy theories, he believes there to be...
Head of the Protestant communion, Safwat al-Bayādī, announced the launch of a campaign to “put out the fire” of the current sectarian crisis between Muslims and Copts. In a statement to al-Wafd he called for a plenary session between religious and political leaders, rather than a statement for two...
This article reports on the recent sectarian incidents in Isnā and Bayyādyyah.


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