Displaying 71 - 80 of 226.
Al Nūr magazine for children, which is issued from the International Organization of Azhari Graduates, participated in a series of theatrical productions under the title “Ṭāʾer al Shamʿidān.” This production is inspired by Yemeni culture and was directed by the Ṣadām al ʿAdla, who is himself a...
Lebanon’s Supreme Islamic Sharīʿa Council extended the tenure of Grand Muftī Shaykh ʿAbd al-Laṭīf Diryān for an additional five years. His term was supposed to expire in one and a half years, which is when he reaches the legal age of 73, but this extension has allowed him to stay in his post until...
Dr. ʿAbd al-Laṭīf Maḥmūd Al Maḥmūd, a member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs in the Kingdom of Bahrain, expressed his pride in attending the inauguration of Egypt’s Islamic Cultural Center in the New Administrative Capital (NAC), along with President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī during the...
Dr. Aḥmed Zāyed, director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, visited Dr. Aḥmed al-Ṭayyeb, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, today (Nov. 25) at the headquarters of Al-Azhar. During the visit, they agreed to sign a joint cooperation protocol between the Library of Alexandria and Al-Azhar for preserving historical...
Dr. Hans Jansen has long played a role fuelling Islamophobia in the West. I understand his views on Islam have been greatly influenced by the writings and arguments of extremists. It is sad that such extremists have based their views on the Qur’an, Sīra and Sunna. I am pleased Cornelis Hulsman has...
The activities of the Seventh International Conference on Fatwas under the name “Fatwa and Sustainable Development Goals,” organized by the Egyptian Dār Al-Iftā’ under the umbrella of the General Secretariat of Fatwa Authorities Worldwide, will launch tomorrow (Oct. 17th) in Cairo. The conference...
Al-Azhar Observatory for Countering Extremism praised the city of Cologne for broadcasting the Islamic call to prayer over loudspeakers, on Friday sermon in its Central Mosque for the first time.
Egypt’s Ministry of Awqaf (religious endowments) launches the “Right of the Nation” initiative in all mosques in Egypt, starting from Friday 28th of October and lasting for a whole month.
Dr. Yāsmīn Fuʾād, Minister of Environment, confirmed that Al-Azhar was at the forefront of the institutions that showed support for Egypt’s hosting of the upcoming COP27 climate conference, and contributed with constructive ideas and visions, praising the Sheikh of Al-Azhar’s speech on climate in...
The past few months witnessed two noticeable attacks in the media on Imam Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib, Shaykh of al-Azhar. Last February, al-Ṭayyib was harshly criticized after old statements of his were discussed again and interpreted to permit “wife beating”. On that day, Dār al-Iftāʾ tweeted, via its...


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