Displaying 111 - 120 of 361.
The report released by the US Commission for International Religious Freedom is considered by the Egyptian press to be one of the most critical reports by an American organization because it represents serious interference in Egyptian domestic affairs, especially in terms of education. Journalists...
The article is about religious Fatāwá [religious rulings] and the need for scientific integrity in mentioning evidences that supports or contradicts Fatāwá given by Muslim clerics.
The Islamic Research Institute issued a fatwa to the effect that jihad against the US in its war on Iraq is an individual duty on all Muslims. The fatwa has received both positive and negative comments and is reported to have raised the anger of the US Embassy in Cairo.
The article gives different views on Sheikh Amr Khaled and his way of preaching. It also shows the criticism leveled at Christian journalist Mofied Fawzy because of his comments on Khaled and the issue of the veil, and how Fawzy responds to this criticism.
The article discusses the questions surrounding article two of the Constitution, and who has the authority to call for its amendment. The author wonders who has the right to speak on behalf of the Copts.
Article two of the Egyptian Constitution is not subject to the proposed constitutional amendments. It is, however, the main subject of heated arguments and discussions in Egyptian society. A debate was held at The American University in Cairo [AUC] about the proposed amendments.
Iqbāl al-Sa‘dāwī discusses the Ḥadd of Riddah and when it should be applied in Islām.
‘Ādil Jindī sheds light on Egyptian statesmen’s ‘perplexing’ statements concerning the second article of the Egyptian Constitution, which designates the principles of the Islamic Sharī‘ah as the main source of legislation. The author discusses the impact of this article on the political situation...
A controversial book is released during the Christmas period denouncing Christians as apostates who can legitimately be killed.
Mubārak’s constitutional amendments have revealed the separation between the executive power, the legislative and the judicial authorities, which are meant to be the bedrock of the modern Egyptian state, and the real interest groups.


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