Date of source: Tuesday, May 25, 1999
The Grand Sheikh recently clashed with those more politically minded when he refused to lead a prayer for the martyrs of Kosovo. Explaining that it was unlawful according the Muslim Shari’a, he suggested that those who wished to pray for martyrs do so at home or at mosques affiliated to the...
Date of source: Tuesday, April 27, 1999
Egypt’s mufti Nasr Farid Wasel is a staunch critic of the theories proposed to update the principles of the old schools of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). He is particularly opposed to the leaders of this campaign, Professor Abdel Mo’ti Bayoumi and writer Gamal Al-Banna.
Date of source: Thursday, April 22, 1999
For the author professor Abdel Mo’ti Bayoumi, Dean of the School of Theology at Al-Azhar, was influenced by the daring writings of Gamal Al-Banna when he initiated his theory of updating the principles of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence).
Date of source: Tuesday, April 20, 1999
Over the past few years, Al-Azhar has been the venue of very serious confrontations between hard-liner and moderate sheikhs and scholars. This confrontation reached a peak during a seminar where professor Abdel Mo’ti Bayoumi, Dean of the School of Theology at Al-Azhar, presented his new theory of...
Date of source: Saturday, April 3, 1999
Conclusion of Islamic-Christian dialogue organized at the Gregoriana Papal Catholic University. The article discusses the Muslim idea of who will make it to Paradise, the position of non-Muslims in modern Islamic society, and Muslim-Christian relationships.
Date of source: Saturday, March 27, 1999
Islamic-Christian dialogue organized at the Gregoriana Papal Catholic University. Discusses Islamic Sharia (law) as a source of legislation in countries with a Muslim majority, human behavior and the Islamic Ijtihad.
Date of source: Tuesday, March 9, 1999
The draft of the new Personal Status Law sparked quite a few contentions from the Religious Committee which demanded that some of its articles are amended to be compatible with the principles of Islamic Sharia`.
Date of source: Monday, March 8, 1999
The fate of the new Personal Status Law depended over the last few days on the juridical approval of Sheikh Al-Azhar, Dr. Mohammed Sayed Tantawi. The law was amended in a series of meetings of the Jurisprudence Research Committee affiliated to Mogamma` Al-Buhouth Al-Islameyya (Islamic Research...
Date of source: Friday, February 26, 1999
Dr. Nasr Farid confirmed that the call for the renewal of [Islamic] jurisprudence is a useless call because since is no need for that. He said that Islamic jurisprudence is flexible and can deal with all the issues of the age.
Date of source: Thursday, February 18, 1999 to Wednesday, February 24, 1999
Many young people are coming to believe that Urfi marriage is the only legitimate alternative to premarital sex, which is condemned as sinful. Mohamed Sayed Tantawi, the Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar, called upon the government to ban Urfi marriages at a Fair seminar last week, saying that "these...