Displaying 111 - 120 of 202.
The article tries to answer some questions about modern preachers, such as, Amr Khaled. These questions are: Do Egyptian families entrust their children to them because they attract the attention of young people from moral deviation and from joining terrorist groups? Or do they, in a way, pave the...
The Yemeni Al-Habib Ali is the last sheikh of artists and businessmen in Egypt. He directs himself to prominent persons in Egypt and other Arab countries and not to the ordinary people. He is the son of the ex-prime minister of South Yemen and he is living in Egypt as a political refugee. The great...
Amr Khaled has appeared again in the field of da´wa, although the ministry of Awqaf declared that he is not qualified and does not have a permit to work as a da´iya. He chose a number of public mosques and other mosques under construction to restart his activities. The article gives the opinions of...
Mr. Amr Khaled succeeded in reaching the hearts and minds of the youths. He makes dialogue with them to provoke them to compare between obeying and disobeying God. He fills the empty religious and psychological spaces that most of the youths have. Instead of criticizing this young man and closing...
In response to the offensive cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, first published by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in September 2005, moderate Egyptian preacher, ‘Amr Khālid has revealed an initiative to engage in dialogue with Danish youth and intellectuals in a bid to find common...
European Union (EU) foreign policy commissioner Javier Solana had talks with Egyptian President Husnī Mubārak over ways of protecting religious symbols and beliefs as part of his efforts to defuse the crisis. During his visit to Egypt, the second leg of his tour of Arab and Muslim nations in the...
Ibrāhim ‘Abd al-Shahīd Sidhum was sentenced to death over the alleged murder of his wife and a microbus driver after his reported voluntarily conversion to Islam. Three years after the verdict had been given, and a few weeks before the implementation of the death penalty, a video was found showing...
The celebrity magazine al-Kawākib devoted a cover story to Muslim preacher ‘Amr Khālid and his contributions to the renaissance of Egypt.
A discussion of the Qur’ānic basis for hudoud, the punishment of specific crimes, and how the hudoud should be applied in society.
Mulhim al-‘Isawī examines the phenomenon of modern Islamic preachers whom, he states, can be paid to give private religion lessons, or to lead prayers in customers’ houses.


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