Displaying 151 - 160 of 202.
‘Amr Adīb, Jindī said during an interview with Orbit channel that if he had his own way and would stand in the shoes of some senior state official, he would ban nearly half of the songs of Umm Kulthoum [a late popular Egyptian singer] due to their “libertine” lyrics.
Arab Gulf countries have linked Egyptians’ work in their countries with specific hard line religious trends and sects. These Arabs have enforced on us Wahhabi thoughts and their Bedouin, tribal, customs. They have imposed on us monaqaba [veiled including a cover of the face] women, myths,...
Only nine days after their marriage, the monaqaba woman and the famous TV preacher, who allegedly had seduced her, were divorced.
The article is a biography of the well-know Muslim preacher Sheikh Muhammad Gebril.
The prominent preacher’s wife confirmed that everything that had been said about him is true and that the monaqaba woman [the veil includes coverage of the face] was not making false claims. So his wife prevented him from going outside the house at all, and he could not even go to the mosque to...
Muhammad Hassan, a Muslim preacher, said in one of his audio tapes that singing is like adultery. He works on trying to recruit the largest number of youths to join Gama’at Ansar Al Sunna Al Muhamadiya [The Champions of Mohammedan Sunna]. He transforms them into followers who obey him and follow...
In the story of the monaqaba woman and the preacher, Sawt Al-Umma, ran a side story about another monaqaba woman, who admitted to her mistake when the sheikh of the widows and divorcées deceived her. I received two messages, which I put in front of you. 1. A message from the friends of the second...
Women preachers go onto the metro and say loud do’aa [prayers] and ask women on board to repeat after them. Now, the phenomenon has developed. Now women preachers are giving religious lessons in the metro. • See article 4: Renewal of religious discourse has not been successful for the last 1500...
The prominent television preacher has been hiding for more than three months. He reappeared in Al-Sayd Sports Club to start practicing his hobbies once again. He feels that people have not believed what happened [that he had lured a monaqaba women into cohabitating with him]. The crime committed...
Safwat Higazi is now the sheikh favored by all members of the upper class. He goes to their houses to deliver his fatwas and he is working to become a substitute for Amr Khaled. Higazy represents no real threat to the new preacher. Now is his chance to occupy the scene in the coming days.


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