Displaying 161 - 170 of 202.
The article is a story of a woman who contacted Sawt Al-Umma and explained that she was seduced by a well-known preacher who had an illegal relation with her for two years.
The article is an interview with the Minister of Awqaf [Endowments] Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq. Dr. Zaqzouq spoke about the new Muslim preachers, the claim that his ministry force preachers to use certain written sermons and other issu
In the past two days, an investigation with the monaqaba woman whose story we published and the television preacher went on for 15 hours. The well-known television preacher will be asked to come to the office of the State Prosecutor. It is expected that a confrontation will take place...
Khaled El Guindi dealt with story of the sheikh who allegedly seduced monaqabate [Muslim women wearing a niqab] in two completely contradicting approaches. He told me that he was furious over what the sheikh did. But he changed his words when he was faced with an audience and readers: He...
Al-Naba’ [newspaper] claimed that it had interviewed sheikh Muhammad Gebril. This sheikh stated that he is the television preacher who was unnamed in the press, allegedly seducing women and that he does not know the woman he allegedly seduced. Sheikh Muhammad Gebril published an article in Al-Ahram...
The monaqaba dropped the complaint she filed against the prominent TV preacher. This came after the preacher called her last Saturday and promised to do whatever she asked, including marrying her. This marriage signifies that the sheikh confessed that all that she said in the complaint was true...
"Sunnā‘ al-Hayāh" [makers of life], a program presented by ‘Amr Khālid, is aiming at the progress of the nation and is dealing with the cultural, psychological, educational, industrial, agricultural and living problems. Actually, "Sunnā‘ al-Hayāh" does not make progress, it creates only illusions...
‘Amr Khālid was warmly received in Yemen, especially the president. His visit to Cairo was the opposite of this; rapid, signing an agreement with the World Health Organization to help them in using his health project idea all through the region.
Shaykh Ahmad al-Husaynī Subh explained that any dā‘īya is an imam, but not all the imams are dā‘iyas. For an imam to be considered a dā‘iya, it takes familiarity with all the sciences, through intensive readings, and acquiring interpersonal skills in a way that enables him to convey his message.
Sheikh Khalid Al-Gindi said that the Islamic telephone line service was halal and that the Sheikh of Azhar said that the service was a good and permissible activity. He added that Amr Khalid was a phenomenon worth studying and that those who criticize him could not criticize a belly dancer.


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