Date of source: Wednesday, September 29, 1999
Former Islamist deputy Abdul Munem Abu Zant was briefly detained on Tuesday for violating the Sermons Law, an official at the Ministry of Interior said.
Date of source: Friday, May 14, 1999
Saudi Arabia’s grand mufti of 25 years is dead, but his Islamic missionary efforts will continue via his extensive writings and an Internet web page.
Date of source: Monday, April 5, 1999
In this interview Mohammed Hassan talks about the current state of Islam work worldwide and says that the existence of several Islamic groups is a healthy phenomena. He says the United States will fall down because this is God’s law. He also says that Muslims are responsible for the retardation of...
Date of source: Saturday, March 20, 1999 to Friday, March 26, 1999
Islam is a religion for this world. It is a heavenly constitution ensuring true justice for all people, man’s good and virtue, freedom, equality, tolerance. It is a religion of principle and faith, a religion of easiness, not hardship. But preachers of Islam emerged claiming that their duty and...
Date of source: Monday, July 27, 1998
An extensive feature on the market for religious audio tapes.
Date of source: Wednesday, July 8, 1998
A group of veiled women wearing face covers distribute extremist audio tapes in the women’s section of the metro in generous quantities. "Muslims should be ready for the confrontation with the Christians before the Christians attack us" is the message.
Date of source: Thursday, June 25, 1998
Sheikh Sha’arawi was the foremost television preacher and was able to influence millions. Sha’arawi’s aim was to maintain traditional religious values in society through convincing people to adhere to these values. The authors believe he died at a time that the tide of religious conservatism may...
Date of source: Saturday, June 6, 1998
Sheik Abdallah Ben Manie’-member of the committee for senior scholars answers about the correct method of training for preachers and questions whether or not the Muslims have fulfilled their obligation towards dawa (Islamic mission.)
Date of source: Wednesday, April 29, 1998
Despite the decree issued by Dr. Hamdi Zakzouk, the Minister of Religious Endowments, that regulates the appointment of preachers many unqualified people are still preaching in mosques around the country. Examples are given.