Displaying 61 - 70 of 104.
Sūfīs in Alexandria were surprised by the blatant attacks by the Ministry of Awqāf (Religious Endowments) on their shrines and mosques. The attacks included the devastation of shrines and replacing the mosques marble pillars with concrete ones, in addition to stealing the contents of a number of...
The Quilliam Research Institute issues a report which attacks the "Islam" channel in London. Claiming that it propagates extremism, intolerance and fanaticism, the Institute asks for dissolution of the channel. In contrast to those claims, the channel stresses that their main target is to introduce...
Rose al-Yūsuf wonders whether niqāb will spread in Egypt in the future or not.
Watani interviewed a number of intellectuals and human rights activists to discover their views on the rise of sectarian attacks in Egypt.
Mustafá Abu Hilwah reviews Ahmad Salāh al-Mullā’s book about Islamic Fundamentalism and Rashīd Ridā.
The article is a personal interpretation of Islam presented by al-Nogaidan. He explores his experiences with Islam, beginning with extremist ideologies that were fostered in Saudi Arabia, to his realization of Islam as a try religion of peace.
The article is based on a file that was issued by Rose al-Yūsuf magazine on the role held by religious men in both Christianity and Islam in society, and their disputes with each other.
Political, educational, and religious reform and the religious media are affecting each other for the media cannot be reformed without democratic freedom and political reform in turn cannot be promoted without first having a sound media.
The article is about religious Fatāwá [religious rulings] and the need for scientific integrity in mentioning evidences that supports or contradicts Fatāwá given by Muslim clerics.
The article refers to the dangerous spreading phenomenon of religious cassette tapes on public transportation. These tapes were issued by Islamic groups that have extreme tendencies.


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