Displaying 311 - 320 of 1051.
Muḥammad Ḥabīb was born in 1943 and holds the position of  First Deputy for the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Ḥabīb is part of the older generation of the Muslim Brotherhood. This older generation is usually considered to be very cautious about cooperating with the state. They...
Jamāl al-Bannā was born in 1920 in al-Mahmūdiyyah in al-Bihīrah governorate, Egypt. His elder brother was al-Imām Ḥasan al-Bannā, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Despite being the brother of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Bannā pursued quite different interests. al-Bannā...
Āmīnah Wadūd; an African-American woman who was raised as a Christian by her father, a Methodist minister, converted to Islam in 1972. Āmīnah Wadūd is widely known for her strong engagement in Islamic feminism and along with other Islamic feminists, Wadūd fights for women’s complete and equal...
The Egyptian political thinker, Dr. Mustafa al-Feqi, said that the new Suez Canal is an integrated national project that marks the beginning for new investments, stressing that the new channel will yield economic productivity as well as political and military profit. However, al-Feqi added, a...
14 men sentenced to execution and 37 others to imprisonment, accused of being linked to the Muslim brotherhood organisation which is believed to ‘have political motives’.  This decision has been deemed to be ‘totally unfair’ by the human rights watch who oversee affairs in the Middle East and North...
Iran releases an activist of the Bahā’ī community The Iranian Security Authorities released on Friday human rights activist Nasīm Ashraqī of the Bahā’ī community after the end of her period of imprisonment which lasted a year in the Evin prison, in the northern part of Teheran. The website “Maf...
Grand Ayatollah Nāsser Makārem Shirāzi wrote an open letter to Shaikh Ahmad al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University, warning him about the dangers of the recent anti-Shi`īt activities at the university.
Egyptian activist Shādi Ghazālī Harb posted a message on his twitter account saying: “Upon the request of the Iraqi Yazidi girl Nadia Murād, President Al-Sisi met her and vowed his support to all people living in Iraq . Bahā'īs and Shi'its, the minorities of Egypt, should be granted the same...
According to a statement issued by the office of the Attorney General’s office “the Muslim Brotherhood group is responsible for the Air Defence stadium massacre because they financed the Ultras Zamalek FC or the “White knights””. The statement added “the MB used their relationship with some leaders...
Roadmap for religious reform Al-Azhar, which has resisted and persecuted those who have attempted to reform Islam since the end of the 19th century, is now being called upon by Egypt’s president to do what they have long suppressed:. reforming Islam. The response of the sheikhs of al-Azhar has been...


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