Displaying 41 - 50 of 1051.
Under the patronage of President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī, the 9th worldwide conference on fatwā of the Egyptian Dār al-Iftāʾ began on July 29–30 in Cairo. The conference is annually organized by the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide.
Tomorrow (Monday, July 29th), the General Secretariat of Fatwā Authorities Worldwide will hold its ninth international conference, under the auspices of President ʿAbd el Fattāḥ al-Sīsī, and the umbrella of Dār al Iftāʾ.
Al-Azhar’s Islamic Research Institute dispatched social advocacy convoys to head next week to South Sinai, Benī Sūwayf, and Port Said. The convoys are part of grand Imām Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb's comprehensive strategy to foster meaningful communication between social groups and geographic locations and...
Archbishop Sāmy Fawzy of the Episcopal province of Alexandria said the relationship between the church and al-Azhar University is exemplified by the Centre of Christian-Muslim Understanding & Partnership (CCMUP). 
Shaykh Muḥammad Mitwallī al-Shaʿrāwī, whose death anniversary is on June 17, was honored by Al-Azhar Fatwa Global Center, which highlighted the eminent Muslim scholar's contributions to preaching and the service of Islam.  
Umayma Farīd Muḥammad, an assistant professor in the Comparative Jurisprudence Department at al-Azhar University for Girls, and a researcher who received a PhD with summa cum laude for her thesis, suggested applying Islamic sharīʿa provisions to funding projects and banking transactions.
Dr. Īhāb Ramzī, a member of the Legislative Committee of the House of Representatives, stated that his suggestion to divide the ʿIsmah between husbands and wives was not new and that his intention was merely to simplify the steps of the current khulʿ.
According to the Grand Muftī of Egypt, Dr. Shawqī ʿAllām, the majority of radical fatwas were issued by individuals who were not affiliated with reputable major scholarly institutions or the religious establishment.
The Muslim Council of Elders, chaired by Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, Grand Imām of al-Azhar, expressed deep concern over the “dire humanitarian conditions in Sudan, including forced displacement, food and medicine shortages and the spread of epidemics.”
Posts on social media regarding Islamic rulings on drinking alcohol have spread during the past few hours, sparked by a bottle of beer that appeared in a photo during the conference of Takwīn foundation.


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