Displaying 31 - 40 of 46.
Dr. Muhammad ‘Abd al- Rāzziq, the Head of the Religious Sector stated that six non-Azharite preachers were licensed to give sermons. 
After having temporarily calmed down, relations between the Ministry of Endowments and the Salafīs have ignited once again, this time regarding i’itikāf. Sheikh Muhamad ‘abd el-Rāzik, representative of the Ministry of Endowments for Quranic and Mosque matters, stated, “i’itikaaf is a tradition that...
The Ministry of Endowments announced that it has instructed preachers at mosques that tomorrow (Friday)’s sermon is to be regarding spending and moderating consumption. 
The Ministry of Endowments stated that there is no possibility to exploit mosques politically or to use it for electoral purposes for some political parties and groups in the future. 
Dr Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah, Minister of Endowments, requested all those who wish to use mosques politically not to try to manipulate the Ministry of Endowments or to try to negatively portray its imāms and preachers in order to achieve their own interests 
The Azhar issued a decision to send preaching convoys to different governorates that would, as part of its job, alert to the Shi’te danger and sectarian strife and its impact on the unity of the ummah and social stability. 
The Ministry of Endowments has formed a new directorate to examine contemporary issues and have chosen Dr. Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah , Minster of Endowments, and the Grand muftī of Egypt, and the Deputy of the Azhar as member.
Minister of Endowments, Dr. Muhamad Mukhtār Gom’ah called for the need to ration Egyptians’ travel to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage, be it hajj or ‘umrah.
The shayks of the Azhar and the Ministry of Endowments have decided to intensify the mutual preaching convoys in Cairo and in other governorates that aim at spreading Islamic moderate thought and containing jihadist thought.
Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib, the Grand shaykh of the Azhar has denounced the terrorist attack calling it an “ugly attack” and prayed for the dead.


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