Displaying 21 - 29 of 29.
This month has seen a scathing battle in the mass media over visits by some Egyptian Christian citizens to Jerusalem, soon followed by another wrangling over a visit by Muftī of the Republic ‘Alī Jum’ah to the holy city, where he led worshippers for prayers at al-Aqsá Mosque.
Shaykh Hamdī ‘Abd al-Fattāh is a unique personality in Egypt. Little known outside of his home region of Maghagha in Upper Egypt, he is a candidate for parliament running under the banner of the Salafi Nour Party. In and of itself, there is nothing unusual here – the Nour Party has searched for and...
John H. Watson highlights an exhibition at the British Library that showcases ancient holy books from Jewish, Christian, and Islamic sources.
While the majority of Muslim schools impose the death penalty on people who convert from Islam, the Qur’ān imposes no earthly punishment for conversion, andtheProphet Muhammad never killed anybody for apostasy. In the following lines Muslim thinker Jamāl al-Bannā writes about tolerance in Islam and...
Egyptian literature has witnessed several religious debates. The article presents an example of these debates and sheds light on the first novel on the human values of the Crucifixion, written by a Muslim Egyptian entitled, ‘Qariyah Zālimah’ [Unjust Village].
The article is full of anger about a picture, drawn by an Israeli, in which the Prophet Muhammad was depicted as a pig. The article accuses the authorities of compliance because they didn’t prevent this happening and questions whether Israel should b allowed to participate in the coming economic...
Adam Shapiro is a Jewish pacifist who believes he serves a purpose in life by being a human shield. He belongs to the “internationals,” as they call themselves and oppose violence of any kind. They do not condone Palestinian suicide bombings, just as they do not condone Israeli military assaults on...
This article opposes the use of the phrase ´Islamic terror.´ There is a lot of spin, and the media takes it for granted. Islamic Terror exists in the same way and to the same extent as the Jewish Conspiracy and Yellow Peril. In other words, none of them exist.
Washington raised the issue of the Armenian massacre at the hands of the Turks in 1915. This led to a real conflict between America and Turkey regarding religious prosecution. Beside recounting the story of the massacre, the article tries to answer the question of " Why does America arouse this...


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