Displaying 21 - 30 of 44.
The review takes up the issue of the niqāb as Jack Straw, Leader of the House of Commons, called on Muslim women in Britain to take off their veils in workplaces, while in Egypt, the President of Hilwān University made a decision to prohibit all niqāb-wearing students from entering the...
Nearly 480 people, including 314 members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood have been arrested on charges of organizing unauthorized demonstrations in support of the judges, who blew the whistle on election fraud.
In the article, Rajab al-Bannā refers to the crises of the cartoons and the desecration of the Qur’ān in Guantanamo Bay to prove that the West does not respect the feelings or even the reactions of Muslims when their religious symbols are scorned.
Muhammad Kāmil Yassīn writes about the aftermath of the Danish cartoon crisis, stating that the Prophet Muhammad’s reputation was maintained because of the unified reaction of Muslims around the world.
The author notes that the West saw both the power and the dark side of the Muslim reactions to the Danish cartoons. He pleas that Muslims check their reactions next time, lest their negative image in Westerners’ eyes become even more solidified.
The author is writing about the Danish cartoon crisis. He says that respect is not a right and adds that freedom of speech depends on people accepting criticism, even where it is quite clearly disrespectful, and that this is a price well worth paying for freedom of speech. He holds that freedom of...
The authors criticize the ignorance between Muslim nations and the West and the lies they propagate about each other, which eventually lead to confrontation between the two sides.
Mona Eltahawy writes against the repression of expression across the Arab world. The author notes that Arab “dictators” oppose the Danish cartoons because they think "freedom of expression” should have limits. The author redirects that call to Arab leaders themselves, arguing that they should have...
Azharites are entitled to a privilege because study at the preparatory stage continues for four years, one year more than in ordinary education. Moreover, students in the Azhar have a heavy curriculum load, since they study the Azhar subjects as well as all of the education ministry curricula.
Are demonstrations halāl [lawful] or harām [impermissible]? The question per se seems bizarre, for the interference of religious fatwas in politics could do away with both religion and politics.


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