Displaying 41 - 50 of 327.
The Muslim Brotherhood has announced in a statement that it plans to form a political party after the amendment of the constitution and the unrestricted formation of political parties is permitted.   It has also asked the armed forces to set a timetable for the constitutional amendments and for...
 ‘Āsim ‘Abd al-Mājid, leading member of Jamā‘a al-Islāmiyyah, revealed that the majority of the group, especially jīl al-Wasat, don't support forming a political party, and whoever put this idea forward is presenting his personal point of view.  He denied that the group is taking any procedures...
The group that broke away from the Jamā‘a al-Islāmiyyah in Egypt last week has announced it will apply to become the third Islamic party.
Al-Jamā‘ah al-Islāmiyyah will soon launch a new Urdu-language website in 2011 that plans to reach out to the approximately 200 million East Asian Muslims who speak the language. "The purpose of this website is to deliver the Islamic message without being excessive and overbearing. Part of it is...
In the light of the recent “Sayyidat al-Najāh” church massacre by al-Qā‘idah in Iraq and threats made against the Egyptian church, member of the Shurá Council affiliated to al-Jamā‘ah al-Islāmiyyah, Dr. Nājih Ibrāhīm, is interviewed by al-Dustūr. He said that, according to Islamic Sharī’ah, Muslims...
Tarek Al-Zomor claims that all political systems, liberal and authoritarian alike, have the same goal: to resist change and preserve the status quo. On the other hand, says Tarek, the Koran tells us through the story of Moses and The Pharaoh that change is beneficial. Key Words: Ad-Dukhan: 31 -...
Le Figaro reports on Najc Hammādī and places these attacks in a context of an extended period of anti-Coptic sentiment in Egypt.
A De-radicalization Conference was held on 2-3 December 2009 in the Golden Tulip Flamingo Hotel, Cairo. The conference was hosted by the Danish-Egyptian Dialogue Institute. About 12 papers were presented, mostly by Egyptians, but with contributions from Norway, Denmark and the United Kingdom. In...
The article covers a meeting attended by the leaders of al-Jamā‘ah al- Islāmīyah who spoke about their history and their plans for the future. They stressed the renunciation of violence and adopting peaceful means in their interaction with the regime and the society.
The following provides the transcript of an interview with Dr. Hālah Mustafá in which she discusses current affairs in Egypt and the recent character attacks she has had to endure.


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