Displaying 51 - 60 of 91.
Ayman Al-Zawahry, second most important man in Al-Qa´ida network, has written a book in which he calls all the Islamic nation to join jihad. He accuses Jews, Christians and even some Muslims of being apostates so that shedding their blood is permissible.
Swiss authorities provided detailed information to Washington concerning a bank account which is thought to have been used in financing Al-Qa’ida through an Islamic benevolent organization in Chicago.
The Minister of Interior says that the Brotherhood wants to have a political role in spite of everybody’s well-being and that the Al-Qai’da Network announced it has plans for specific goals. He adds that the police thwarted a plan of the Jihad group and the court ruling on this case will be made...
Many people believe the US-led war against Iraq to be the main reason behind the recent terrorist attacks around the world.
Most commentators argue that Islamic terrorism is a fanatical perversion of Islam, which deviates from its true teachings. They call for a Western-style modernization of the Muslim world, hoping thereby that radical Islam will be tamed.
An Islamist who follows the activities of al-Qācida has suggested that the ‘grandsons’ of that organization consider the Internet their ‘shaykh’, not Usāma Bin Lādin or Ayman al-Zawāhirī.
America is a vital part of the secret behind Bin Lādin and al-Qā’ida’s popularity.
Abu Farag al-Lībī, the third man in al-Qā‘ida organization, who was arrested by Pakistani police and handed over to the United States, said that al-Qā‘ida used to receive contributions and financial support from 100 cells scattered across the Middle East.
Militarized Islamist fundamentalism, or what is now known as al-Qācida, is responsible for all this death and destruction. They were responsible for the 9/11 attacks and the bombings of the US embassies in Nairobi and Dar el Salaam in 1998, which killed more than 200 people, mostly civilians.
The author gives details of the dialogue that took place between the Egyptian group and professors and students of Westminster University in the framework of the dialogue program organized by the American Presbyterian Church. The dialogue focused on human rights in Egypt and the relation between...


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